Community Health & Wellness Programs
We also have a Volunteer Services Committee of the Board that looks at upcoming needs in the community and how we might partner to have these addressed.

Seniors Walk & Talk

Every Tuesday morning (rain or shine) local seniors meet at the Lion’s Field to walk around the paved track (1/4 mile loop). The walk is appropriate for people of all abilities.
The walk is followed by tea, coffee and baked goodies to share while engaging in great conversation with friends. Everyone is welcome to attend including seniors, caregivers and those young at heart. Volunteers assist with driving, catering, and companionship.
Tuesdays at 10am
922 Burrill Road
Map and Directions
Aging In Place
Community Wellness
Volunteer opportunities are also coordinated by the Aging in Place staff include volunteer visitors, drivers, resource navigators and more. For information on these opportunities, call the Community Wellness office at 250-539-0970 or email

Mental Health and Substance Use

The goal of the mental health and wellness program is to improve and maintain the mental health and wellness of the Galiano community, through advocacy and outreach, program development, fundraising for needed services, and maintaining accurate statistics of need.
Contact: Susan van Asselt, Mental Health Clinician – 250-539-0034 or
Transitions in Dying & Grieving
Transitions in Dying and Grieving is a team based volunteer program that brings services related to dying, death, and bereavement into the homes of those seeking support at profound and often challenging moments within the life cycle. Confidentiality is our core commitment.
We also offer grief counselling to individuals and small groups who have lost loved ones recently or long ago. Our community services include assistance in planning and leading memorial services as well as crisis counselling for those touched by sudden deaths. Books concerning dying, death, grief or loss are available at the Galiano Library. A public forum regarding information about practical, emotional, or spiritual aspects of dying or grieving is offered to the community annually.
Our services are offered in association with The Galiano Health Care Society. Referrals come from the Galiano Health Care Centre and private individuals. Our brochure is available at the Galiano Health Care Centre.
For more information, contact Linde Zingaro at 250-539-9800 or email us at

Ways You Can Help
Our Health Care Centre would not exist without the support of our community.
Show your support by becoming a donor, a volunteer or a member.